how does wrct work?
Here's how we do it
At WRCT, we have a lot of fun but take the process of putting together our productions very seriously! Below is an explanation of how we make important theatre decisions, and the process we use for putting together a wonderful WRCT show.
The WRCT Board of Directors is comprised of area citizens who appreciate theatre and work to help keep our theatre running smoothly. Our members are selected from our community by current board members from both applications and recommendations from others. The members of the board are generally active with the theatre, and active members of our community.

The WRCT Play Selection Committee selects plays for the entire Mainstage Season. The committee includes board members, the Executive Director, and WRCT volunteers. We research plays independently, and then bring our ideas to Play Selection Committee meetings. When we select plays, the following considerations are taken to mind:
Do we feel we can realistically cast and crew the play with area volunteers?
Will we be able to find a director?
If it’s a musical, can we find a musical director and accompanist?
And, very importantly, will our audience appreciate the production, and want to see it?
The committee discusses the selections that each committee member brings to the table. We also readily consider any productions suggested by patrons, volunteers, or potential directors. We then pick a season based on the above criteria and whether the season fits together as a whole. We try to bring a variety of selections to satisfy the board, the volunteers, and our loyal patrons. We consider comedies, dramas, farce, mysteries, and musicals. Our December production is holiday-themed. We also discuss plays for our two summer Youth Productions. Our season begins with the Youth Productions in the summer, followed by the Fall Production, the Holiday Production, the Winter Production, and the Spring Production.
Once the committee settles on the four mainstage selections and two youth productions, the full board of directors makes the decision to approve or modify the season. We try to have the season ready to be announced by the Spring Production of the season before.
Once the plays are selected, the Executive Director applies for the rights to the production and orders the Actor scripts, along with Director, Stage Manager, and Crew scripts. Royalties are paid to the publishing company, based on the seating availability of our theatre and number of productions being done. WRCT is compliant with all rules and regulations as required by the publishing company.

The Director Selection Committee is comprised of WRCT Board of Directors members and the Executive Director. After the new season is selected, we advertise the selections and ask potential directors to submit applications to direct. The application can be found on the Direct with WRCT page. The potential director can request to direct a specific play, or note that they are willing to direct any of the selections. We consider the following criteria when selecting directors:
Does the applicant have directing experience?
Has the applicant previously directed with WRCT?
Has the applicant previously worked with our theatre as either an actor or volunteer?
Does the applicant have stage manager and/or assistant director experience?
Is the applicant familiar with the workings of WRCT?
Does the applicant have time conflicts?
Does the applicant have an overall concept of the play they’d like to direct?
Is the applicant willing to direct a different season production if needed?
Will the applicant strive to create a pleasant environment for all involved?
The Director Selection Committee reviews the applications, and selects directors based on the above criteria. Their goal is to find the right person to direct each particular show, and assure a smooth and pleasant experience for everyone involved.

WRCT welcomes potential actors of ALL levels of ability and experience. We are inclusive, and do not discriminate against anyone. We are happy to train people who have no experience but have the desire to learn something new.
Once the director is selected for a production, they start planning with the Executive Director and a Production Manager, who reports to the Executive Director. They work with the director to find a Stage Manager if they haven't already selected one. This is done before auditions.
Auditions are set up to allow at least eight weeks of rehearsal time before the run of the production. Auditions are generally scheduled for a Monday and Tuesday evening, at the WRCT Auditorium. Dates and times of auditions will be advertised on both the WRCT Website audition page and on the WRCT Facebook page. (This process may be different for Youth Productions.) Actors will be told where they can preview a script or pick up audition pieces that will be used.
Before auditions begin, the Stage Manager gives each actor an audition application. On this application actors can list experience, the role they’d like to play, and whether they’d accept a different role if offered. Actors will also be asked if they would be willing to work on a crew if they are not cast in a role. (Answering yes to this question will NOT affect their chance of getting cast.)
The actual audition process is relaxed and really fun! The director will look over all audition forms and call people onstage to read different parts. This is to see how people fit in roles, and how they fit with other characters. Nobody needs to worry about reading perfectly, we just want to see how they present onstage. Actors are not required to be at both night of auditions, but are certainly welcome to be there. That gives the director the chance to read actors with more people.
After the auditions are complete, the director will review all auditioners and select the cast. While directors don’t discriminate against people based on experience, they do need to know if the actor has any conflicts that will be overly disruptive to the rehearsal process. We know everyone has a life outside theatre, and are willing to work around the occasional rehearsal conflict.

Anyone who would like to work on a WRCT production is invited to show up for auditions, or contact the Executive Director to volunteer. You can also complete the form on the WRCT Volunteers page. We need volunteers to help with the following:
Backstage/off stage:​​
Props masters/Crew members
Set Design/Construction
Set Painting
Hair and Makeup
Facilities and office help
Fund raising events
WRCT is more than happy to train people to do these tasks.

Now the fun begins! WRCT Mainstage Production rehearsals are generally held Monday to Thursday evenings, from approximately 6:30 PM-8:30 PM. Note that as it draws closer to the run of the production there may be an occasional night that runs a bit later, and the occasional Friday rehearsal, if it is deemed necessary. There may be a Saturday technical rehearsal before the first week of the run.
The director will give everyone involved a calendar with the rehearsal schedule. Based on the size of the part, actors may not be required to rehearse every evening early in the schedule. Actors will be given a date when they have to be 'off book', meaning they can no longer use their script onstage. They will also be given an 'off prompt' date, when they can no longer be prompted by the stage manager if they can’t remember a line. Don’t worry...actors will be given plenty of time to learn their part!
The Production Manager will schedule dates for costume fitting, interviews, and photography. This is done during rehearsal time.
Everyone will also be given dates for tech week. This is when the lighting, sound, and backstage people will be at rehearsals and rehearsing their part in making the production run smoothly. Tech week is the last week before the run of the production, or sooner if needed.
This rehearsal schedule will be different for Youth Productions. Watch the Youth Production page for details.
WRCT Mainstage productions typically run on Friday and Saturday evenings of the first week, then Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings of the second week. NOTE: watch this page for possible changes in production scheduling. Production times are at 7:00 PM, with actor call time at 6:00 PM. There is also a 2:00 PM Matinee on the second Saturday, with a 1:00 PM call time for actors. This schedule will be different for Youth Productions. Tickets are available online and at the door.
After the last night of the run, the entire cast and crew are required to help take down the set and put all the props, costumes and set pieces away. Everyone will also help clean the dressing rooms, rest room, and green room. Many hands make quick work. Set strike generally takes place on Sunday morning until done, or at the discretion of the Director and Production Manager.